Wulf Wilhelm
Wulfgang Wilhelm is a lifelong local to Routt County. For most of her life she can remember painting, and when she was in high school Wulf discovered that she had a knack for portraiture. Wulf has taken many commissions for paintings of people and pets, a popular pigeonhole for painters. For a handful of years after graduating she worked as a tattoo artist; the job that brought Wulf to many places and taught her about design and timing and pleasing clients. Though working long hours she was always painting on the side, furthering her arts education through informal meetings with great artists and visionaries willing to give little bits of technique to try. Last year Wulf left the tattoo trade completely to start a family, and since having her baby and settling into stay-at-home mom life, Wulf finds herself called to paint again.
“If I were to assign any particular “ism” to my work it would be surrealism. The majority of my art pieces are acrylic or oil paintings. My style is fluid, shapeshifting, goopy. I love to study textures. I’m inspired by dreams and memories, influenced by moods.”