DAVID looks to nature for inspiration. His forms evoke something from nature’s bounty. David started his woodworking career when he was just a boy, helping his father around the workshop. His father gave him projects to do, making David feel like it was an important assignment.In high school, David took four years of woodshop and was the shop foreman in his junior and senior years. His teacher, John Honaker, was in a wheelchair and ruled his shop with an iron fist. Or more accurately, a hard maple paddle. Honaker was very “old school,” making sure students learned to use all the hand tools, especially the hand plane before they were allowed to use the power tools. His workmanship and craft are evident in each piece of work he produces. Today, David loves working with the client to make custom pieces that suit their taste and match the décor of their homes.
“Being raised in and on the ocean and now being landlocked, I find myself using the sea as the germ of expression very often. The mountains are also a huge source of ideas for me, as well as atmospheric conditions such as wind, rain, snow, fire and what we call “bluebird weather.”